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Guarantee Your October Show Blooms

Now is the time to be thinking about the plants for the October Show.

Historically we always have more plants available for our Autumn Show than the October Show. Accordingly, we ask that you make every effort to make a contribution regardless of the number. Even 6 or 10 good quality plants will contribute to the cause. There is no hardship in preparing a good plant for resale.

In my case, I make preparation in the 14-21 day time-frame leading up to the Show. Initially I defoliate and remove dead leaves, expended flower stalks etc. In this period I fertilise twice. Once with NPK and follow up with a liquid application of Powerfeed, Polyfeed or fish emulsion. Invariably this has provided plants with healthy leaves and a bloom.

After defoliation I have applied a spray for thrips, mildew or mites. I ensure this is done 10-14 days before the Show.

Contribution: Barry Schoch

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